4/1374-1378, Gympie Rd

Aspley QLD 4034, Australia

Do you have an idea how much your property is worth?

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Free Property Appraisal

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What will we have access to?

Neighbourhood can affect property value. The worth of your property most of the time is determined by considering the property of your neigbours. But, sometimes, it also depends on your home’s infrastructure and designs. Hence, we will provide you with a free appraisal of your neighbour’s property for your assurance.

hand holding house
Workers Hi Five

Local Market

Sapphire aids you to figure out the prices and details of equivalent properties which are traded in the local market to get an idea of the value of your property. Moreover, we also provide information about the demand and attraction including potential buyers.

Land Size &

We first study the land size and location to rate the property to meet the buyer’s desires and requirements. Land size and location bring changes in the pricing of your property

dining table
CrossRoad LandMark

House Age &

Sapphire aids you to figure out the prices and details of equivalent properties which are traded in the local market to get an idea of the value of your property. Moreover, we also provide information about the demand and attraction including potential buyers.

Several happy clients

Whether we buy or sell, our motive has always been to satisfy our clients with the services we offer.  

Talk to our property experts for free, independent advice.

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