4/1374-1378, Gympie Rd

Aspley QLD 4034, Australia


Mould is a type of fungus that usually grows in the dark and damp places of the property. Mould and dampness can be health hazards if they’re not dealt with properly and if the houseowner does not act quickly regarding it. That’s why it is crucial to remove mould to make your house aesthetic and appealing.

Here are step-by-step tips on how to remove the mould:

Wear personal protective equipment

Mould can cause serious health issues for the people living on the property. So, one should not expose oneself to these moulds. And while removing moulds it would be better to wear half-face disposable respirators with P1 or P2 filters, gloves and goggles.

Fix the source of moisture

As we know mould appears in a damp environment. Before starting to fix the mould, it would be better to identify the source of moisture such as repair the leaks and damages around the property. Hence, this will also prevent future upcoming moulds.

Gather supplies

When the mould is identified it’s time to gather the supplies and start working out. You can use baking soda, bleach, vinegar or any other material to clean the porous & non-porous surfaces. While cleaning these surfaces one should be careful as it may also cause damage.

Let surfaces dry

After the cleaning activity let the surfaces dry completely. To make it dry fast you can use dehumidifiers, fans and open the doors & windows as well.

Give it a fresh look

The final step is to give your cleaned surfaces a fresh look. Firstly, you need to dispose of the contaminated materials. And you can repaint the surfaces and decorate the area to make it look aesthetic once again.

Once you remove mould and make your property look better, it is also important to monitor it on a timely basis. Mould problems won’t just go away, remember the previously affected areas and keep an eye on them. If again the same thing happens better to contact a professional and solve the problem.


This information is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the content provided.

Real estate transactions and financial decisions involve complex considerations that may vary based on individual circumstances. Do not consider the content provided as a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific situation.

Conducting thorough research and consulting with licenced and experienced professionals in the relevant fields is crucial. Every individual’s financial and real estate situation is unique, and professional advice is essential to making informed decisions.

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