7 Questions That You Need To Ask A Real Estate Agent

7 Questions That You Need To Ask A Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents can play a critical role in finding homes within your price range. They can also provide valuable information on whether or not a home is a good fit for you, and they can even help negotiate on your behalf. Unfortunately, though, some agents are dishonest and try to take advantage of their clients, leading to a less-than-pleasant experience. Therefore, here are 7 questions to ask a real estate agent before you deal with them.

What is your commission?

Realtors are paid based on what they sell; if you buy or sell a house, they get their commission. When buying a house, you don’t want to pay any fees to someone else before you have even seen the property. In the end, that’s why we use real estate agents – they help us find our perfect home at no additional cost to us.

How long have you been working?

This question should always go out to see how experienced the agent is. If he/she doesn’t know much about the area and its houses, consider going elsewhere. You’ll save money, time, and effort, and you won’t end up wasting money on something you can get elsewhere. There are many people who claim to be realtors, but they don’t really know anything about the area or homes. That’s why it’s important to talk to some realtors first to find the best fit for your situation.

Do you show me homes only or do you show me related spaces also?

You definitely want to narrow down where you would like to live and make sure that the agent shows you places that are close to work, public transportation stops, schools, and so on. Ask him/her what neighbourhoods he/she works in, and make sure that you understand where everything is located.

Will I be able to see the inside of the homes?

When you call, ask if you can schedule an inspection with the agent. Make sure you know what you’re looking for and what needs improvement, and then ask if you can look around. You’ll get a true idea of what the place looks like without signing anything.

Did they ask for permission to negotiate on your behalf?

Confirming permission to negotiate is a good thing. The Realtor represents you in the transaction, so negotiating with him/ her gives you the chance to make things happen faster and cheaper. But remember, just because the Realtor says yes, doesn’t mean that the seller will agree. Negotiating is not illegal, but try to avoid saying anything negative about the place or asking too many questions. You could lose some points if you seem uninterested in the house, regardless of whether it’s priced right or not.

Is it okay if I tell my friends and family that I worked with you?

If it bothers you that the agent knows your friends and family, then it might be a problem. Even though you may trust your agent, others probably won’t. So make sure that you feel comfortable with the person before you give them your number.

Can I visit similar homes in the neighbourhood?

Not everyone likes to hear about homes that are similar to theirs. But if you think that it helps decide between two options, then you should be fine. Just remember to leave no room for guessing once you choose your home!

Therefore, these are some questions to ask a real estate agent to make sure that you are on the safe hand. The more queries you have, the more you will be clear about the plans and policies that real estate agents are trying to convince you about.  Do remember us at 1800 MY SAPPHIRE, if you have any confusion or queries.


This information is for general informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the content provided.

Real estate transactions and financial decisions involve complex considerations that may vary based on individual circumstances. Do not consider the content provided as a substitute for professional advice tailored to your specific situation.

Conducting thorough research and consulting with licenced and experienced professionals in the relevant fields is crucial. Every individual’s financial and real estate situation is unique, and professional advice is essential to making informed decisions.

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